Hire a Classic Wedding Car in Oxford, Oxfordshire.
If you are looking for a Classic Oxford Wedding Car then we can help. We cover the local area in and around Oxford including Woodstock, Didcot, Chinnor, Abingdon and Witney.
In the past we have attended weddings at most Oxford colleges, churches, the Town Hall, Oxford Registry Office as well as venues in the surrounding villages, Blenheim Palace, Lains Barn and Caswell House for example plus local Oxford Hotels including the Randolph and Hawkwell House Hotel.
However we don't just focus on Oxford, we cover an area approximately 50 miles radius from Henley. When comparing potential wedding car suppliers make sure you check other customer’s experiences. The service and reliability the company provides is very important.
At Henley Classic Car Hire we use Jaguar built vehicles which includes the Daimler marque. Undoubtedly one of the most desired of the cars is the Jaguar Mk2 with its gorgeously classic lines. We also pride ourselves in the level of service we offer.
We have provided cars for weddings in Oxford and throughout Oxfordshire, including Henley, Bix, Phyllis Court, Oxford City, Farringdon, Witney, Wantage, Radnage, Wallingford, Watlington, Thame, Abingdon, Didcot and surrounding areas.